I'm in the process of creating compliance checks that will run in Tenable Nessus. These checks will audit and report the status of system services on Microsoft servers. To do this I need the short names for the service... ex. the display name is Symantec Critical System Protection IDS Agent, the short name is SISIDSService. I cannot find the service name or "short names" for the system service "Display names" listed below, so I thought this would be a good place to look or ask for assistance.
Thanks in advance for any assistance.
- Splunkd
- Splunkweb
if you launch a command prompt, and run :
sc query | findstr _NAME
You'll get a list of all the services and long / short names on a system.
You can make the output pretty like this :
cmd /V:ON
for /F "tokens=1,2 delims=:" %i in ('sc query ^| findstr _NAME') do @(
else (echo !SERVICE_NAME:~0,20! : %j)
Actually, I do not have access to the servers to run that command.