Hello All,
I would like to list down the applications where users have never logged in. I have a input.csv file with the list of applications and I was able to write a search to list down the applications by login count. Now I want to list the applications where users have logged in (Login Count=0). My query to list all the apps and with login count is as follows:
sourcetype="aduit" success NOT AUTHN_ATTEMPT
| lookup app_lookup.csv Connection_ID as connectionid OUTPUT App_Name
| stats count(App_Name) as "Number of Successful Logins" by App_Name
| sort - "Number of Successful Logins"
How can I get list of apps with 0 logins?
Rakesh Venkata
Hello @Ron_Naken @gkanapathy @lguinn2
I see that you guys have responded to similar posts previously. Can you please shed your valuable inputs?
Thanks in advance.
| inputlookup app_lookup.csv
| join type=left App_Name
[ search sourcetype="aduit" success NOT AUTHN_ATTEMPT
| lookup app_lookup.csv Connection_ID as connectionid OUTPUT App_Name
| stats count(App_Name) as "Number of Successful Logins" by App_Name
| where isnull("Number of Successful Logins")
app_lookup.csv OR App_lookup.csv ??
It's different.
| inputlookup App_lookup.csv
| join type=left App_Name
[ search sourcetype="aduit" success NOT AUTHN_ATTEMPT
| lookup App_lookup.csv Connection_ID as connectionid OUTPUT App_Name
| stats count(App_Name) as "Number of Successful Logins" by App_Name
| where isnull("Number of Successful Logins")
Hello @hc_joycechen
Thanks for your response.
I tried your solution it is not yielding any results. I modified your suggestion to following:
| inputlookup App_lookup.csv
| join type=left Connection_ID
[ search sourcetype="aduit" tid success NOT AUTHN_ATTEMPT
| lookup App_lookup.csv Connection_ID AS connectionid OUTPUT App_Name
| stats count(App_Name) as LoginCount by App_Name
| where isnull(LoginCount)
So my csv has two columns Connection_ID & App_Name and connectionid is a field in my events. My above solution results all apps in the csv but not apps which users never logged in. Following is a sample of my csv.
Connection_ID | App_Name |
app1.domain.com | App1 |
app2.domain.com | App2 |
Can you please help me our here?
Thanks in advance.