In the logs I wanted to include events that has the string "uri=" and if it is not present I wanted to include events with string "BAD_REQUEST_EXCEPTION".
But at times the case is that both the strings are present and when I write a query condition with "OR" statement both gets selected.
But I wat either of it only..If the 1st string is present,only that event..If the first string is not present then i wanted to have the event with second string.
Kindly help me with it.
Hi @Deepz2612,
Would be great if you could share your search string but I'm supposing that you have both fields uri
and request
and your search looks like this :
index=yourindex uri="" OR request="BAD_REQUEST_EXCEPTION"
You will need to modify the logic to make it look like this :
index=yourindex (uri="" AND NOT request="BAD_REQUEST_EXCEPTION") OR (request="BAD_REQUEST_EXCEPTION" AND NOT uri="")
Let me know if that helps.