Application log file display below at one of the line, looking for a regex that extract value of "0" / "1" / "2" or "3" in to a variables, which can be used later to draw a line chart
Splunk item Total: [ 0=233 ]
Splunk item Total: [ 1=220 ]
Splunk item Total: [ 1=220 3=40 ]
Splunk item Total: [ 0=50 1=210 3=30 ]
Splunk item Total: [ 0=100 1=205 2=10 3=5 ]
Try using extract command (works on field _raw). A runanywhere example is here:
| makeresults
| eval raw=split("Splunk item Total: [ 0=233 ],Splunk item Total: [ 1=220 ],Splunk item Total: [ 1=220 3=40 ],Splunk item Total: [ 0=50 1=210 3=30 ],Splunk item Total: [ 0=100 1=205 2=10 3=5 ]",",")
| mvexpand raw | rename raw as _raw
| extract kvdelim="=" pairdelim=" " auto=t clean_keys=false
I cannot use any of this in extract
(Splunk item Total: [ 0=233 ],Splunk item Total: [ 1=220 ],Splunk item Total: [ 1=220 3=40 ],Splunk item Total: [ 0=50 1=210 3=30 ],Splunk item Total: [ 0=100 1=205 2=10 3=5 ])
as I have mentioned it is not constant it changes, logs sometime display
Splunk item Total: [ 0=233 ]
Splunk item Total: [ 1=220 ]
Splunk item Total: [ 1=220 3=40 ]
Splunk item Total: [ 0=50 1=210 3=30 ]
Splunk item Total: [ 0=100 1=205 2=10 3=5 ]
Only think I am interested is if it had "0=" than like to extract that value if it display "1=" than like to extract that value if it display "0=" and "1=" than like to extract both value
Using your example data, run this query - is that what you wanted in the rex statement?
| makeresults
| eval fields=split("Splunk item Total: [ 0=233 ],Splunk item Total: [ 1=220 ],Splunk item Total: [ 1=220 3=40 ],Splunk item Total: [ 0=50 1=210 3=30 ],Splunk item Total: [ 0=100 1=205 2=10 3=5 ]",",")
| mvexpand fields
| table fields
| rex field=fields max_match=0 "(?<key>\d+)=(?<value>\d+)"
Sorry I confuse you, actually log is printing sometime this
Splunk item Total: [ 0=233 ]
or sometime this
Splunk item Total: [ 1=220 ]
and looking for a regex that capture in variable "zero" value 233 and in variable "one" value 220 than I will use variable "zero" and "one to print line graph