I currently have a search against our firewalls, below is the current search.
index=(my index) sourcetype="my_source" ipsrcip!=(ip)
I have a lookup file called 'threatip' that contains a list of source IP's in the first column named 'ip'. I would like to create a search that presents events from the initial search where the source IP from the lookup matches the source IP in the firewall logs.
Firewall log fields -
Source IP - 'srcip'
Lookup Table Fields -
Source IP - 'ip'
It seems so simple yet I am having some issues with it, advice would be much appreciated.
Thank you,
Try this
index=(my index) sourcetype="my_source" |search [|inputlookup threatip.csv | fields ip |rename ip as srcip]
Like this:
index="myIndex" AND sourcetype="my_source" AND ipsrcip!=(ip) AND [|inputlookup MyLookupFile.csv | rename ip as srcip | table srcip]
index="myIndex" AND sourcetype="my_source" AND ipsrcip!=(ip)
| lookup MyLookupFile.csv ip AS srcip OUTPUT ip AS MATCHED
| where isnotnull(MATCHED)
Hi nlisle,
please try something like this:
index=my index sourcetype="my_source" [ | inputlookup threatip | rename ip AS srcip | fields srcip ]
| ...
Hi Giuseppe, I have tried this search however I receive no results. I can confirm that I have already added some data into the lookup, IP's that have hit the firewall in the past 30 days. I am also running my search over the last 30 days. Thanks.