Index = prod-x7 host IN ( 12345678) sourcetype=“Wineventlog” Eventcode=“19”
|eval patching = if(eventcode =“19”, “ok”, “not ok”)
If events are found then search server availability i.e.,
index= server_123 host in (12345678) uri_stem IN (http/hltchck)
| status count eval( status=100) as success, count as total by _time
|eval Percent = round((Success/total)*100,2)
| table Percent
how to merge this two diff querys. But display only if the patching has happened
Hi @haripotu,
at first, in the first search, if you put the condition EventCode=19, the second row is useless because you have only ok events.
Then, if you want to use _time in a stats command, you have to group timestamps using the bin, command, e.g. for one hour.
so you can merge the two searches in this way:
index= server_123 host IN (12345678) uri_stem IN (http/hltchck) [ search index=prod-x7 host IN (12345678) sourcetype=“Wineventlog” Eventcode=“19” | fields host ]
| bin span=1h _time
| stats
count eval(status=100) AS success
count AS total
BY _time
|eval Percent=round((Success/total)*100,2)
But i need the second percent search (percent query) only if we find events for event code =19
Hi @haripotu,
if you want the percent of EventCode=19 over all the events, you could run something like this:
index= server_123 host IN (12345678) uri_stem IN (http/hltchck)fields host
| bin span=1h _time
| stats
count(eval(status=100) AS success
count AS total
BY _time host
| search [ search index=prod-x7 host IN (12345678) sourcetype=“Wineventlog” Eventcode=“19” | fields host ]
| stats
sum(count) AS Success
values(total) AS total
BY _time
| eval Percent=round((Success/total)*100,2)