Hello Splunkers,
I started to use splunk uni forwarder in my job and I am kinda new to systems.
My dashboard working good with standart ALL option in multiselection but when it comes to select multiple indexes from menu I've got a huge problem.
My multiselect search index is:
source="C:\\a\\b\\c\\d\\e\\f f\\g\\h\\ı-i-j\\porty*"
|table source
|dedup source
but when I pass this token to reports as:
| eval ping_error=case(
like(_raw, "%Request Timeout%"), "Request_Timeout",
like(_raw, "%Destination Host Unreachable%"), "Destination_Host_Unreachable")
| where isnotnull(ping_error) AND NOT like(_raw, "%x.y.z.net%")
| stats count as total_errors by _time, source
| timechart span=1h sum(total_errors) as total_errors by source
it creates a search string with only single backslashes but double back slashes..
source="C:\a\b\c\d\e\f f\e\g\ı-i-j\porty102"
| eval ping_error=case(
like(_raw, "%Request Timeout%"), "Request_Timeout",
like(_raw, "%Destination Host Unreachable%"), "Destination_Host_Unreachable")
| where isnotnull(ping_error) AND NOT like(_raw, "%x.y.z.net%")
| stats count as total_errors by _time, source
| timechart span=1h sum(total_errors) as total_errors by source
I've tried so many things but couldn't be able to solve it.
Important Note:
In multiselect dropdown menu elements are shown with their whole source adrees such as:
C:\a\b\c\d\e\f f\d\e\ı-i-j\porty102
Couldn't be able to show this also.
I can't change anything about splunk universal forwarders settings or the source adress because restrictions are so strict in the company.
This is somewhat confusing. Do you mean to say that you have a multiselect token that evaluates into the search expression shown in the first code box, or is that one of multiselect values? If the former, I strongly suggest that you rethink the strategy because a user may well end up composing a token that evaluates into
|table source
source="C:\\a\\b\\c\\d\\e\\f f\\g\\h\\ı-i-j\\porty*"
|dedup source
This is probably not what the user wanted.
Regardless, if your really, really want double backslash - I really can't conjure up a good reason for that even in a Microsoft world, you need something like
source="C:\\\\a\\\\b\\\\c\\\\d\\\\e\\\\f f\\\\g\\\\h\\\\ı-i-j\\\\porty*"
|table source
|dedup source