We have a script that gets the output of the command below and output it as a single event with multiline
ps -wweo uname,pid,psr,pcpu,cputime,pmem,rsz,vsz,tty,s,etime,args
I would like to write a search that filters through the lines to look for the the a certain string looks for a particular sting in a certain column, if exists sum the value of another column and return the string and the sum. E.g.
root 1848 0 0.0 00:00:00 0.0 2128 476368 ? S 18:19:03 automount --pid-file_/var/run/autofs.pid
apache 2082 0 0.1 00:00:37 0.4 17868 402748 ? S 06:26:57 httpd <noArgs>
apache 2083 0 0.1 00:00:36 0.4 17872 402748 ? S 06:26:56 httpd <noArgs>
apache 2084 0 0.1 00:00:37 0.4 17908 402932 ? S 06:26:56 httpd <noArgs>
apache 2383 0 0.1 00:00:36 0.4 17872 402748 ? S 06:25:53 httpd <noArgs>
root 4951 0 0.0 00:00:00 0.0 1300 79968 ? S 18:17:40 sshd <noArgs>
root 5354 0 0.0 00:00:01 0.0 2696 91304 ? S 18:15:48 sendmail: accepting_connections
smmsp 5361 0 0.0 00:00:00 0.0 2108 82756 ? S 18:15:48 sendmail: Queue_runner@01:00:00_for_/var/spool/clientmqueue
The result of the search would be:
.4 httpd
|localop| stats count | eval data="USER PID PSR pctCPU CPUTIME pctMEM RSZ_KB VSZ_KB TTY S ELAPSED COMMAND ARGS
root 1848 0 0.0 00:00:00 0.0 2128 476368 ? S 18:19:03 automount --pid-file_/var/run/autofs.pid
apache 2082 0 0.1 00:00:37 0.4 17868 402748 ? S 06:26:57 httpd <noArgs>
apache 2083 0 0.1 00:00:36 0.4 17872 402748 ? S 06:26:56 httpd <noArgs>
apache 2084 0 0.1 00:00:37 0.4 17908 402932 ? S 06:26:56 httpd <noArgs>
apache 2383 0 0.1 00:00:36 0.4 17872 402748 ? S 06:25:53 httpd <noArgs>
root 4951 0 0.0 00:00:00 0.0 1300 79968 ? S 18:17:40 sshd <noArgs>
root 5354 0 0.0 00:00:01 0.0 2696 91304 ? S 18:15:48 sendmail: accepting_connections
smmsp 5361 0 0.0 00:00:00 0.0 2108 82756 ? S 18:15:48 sendmail: Queue_runner@01:00:00_for_/var/spool/clientmqueue" | rex max_match=9999 field=data "(?P<lines>[^\n]+)" | table lines | mvexpand lines | rex field=lines "^(?<USER>\S+)\s(?<PID>\S+)\s(?<PSR>\S+)\s(?<pctCPU>\S+)\s(?<CPUTIME>\S+)\s(?<pctMEM>\S+)\s(?<RSZ_KB>\S+)\s(?<VSZ_KB>\S+)\s(?<TTY>\S+)\s(?<S>\S+)\s(?<ELAPSED>\S+)\s(?<COMMAND>\S+)\s(?<ARGS>.*)" | fields - lines | search USER!="USER"
Please re-edit your question; it has obvious cut/paste errors and is incomplete/incomprehensible. For example, you do not list either field name for your example.