search :- My search | stats values(date_hour) as Access_time by user
The above search displays the user id with their accesses hour on the right. Now how can i display only the 1st value and last value of Access_time for each user.
Example if I have the result as below
user Access_time
A 16
Now I just want the first and last value of the Access_time as below
user Access_time
A 16 -- 22
My search | stats earliest(date_hour) as FirstHour latest(date_hour) as LastHour by user|eval accessTime=FirstHour+"--"+LastHour|fields - FirstHour - LastHour
try something like this.
My search | stats earliest(date_hour) as FirstHour latest(date_hour) as LastHour by user|eval accessTime=FirstHour+"--"+LastHour|fields - FirstHour - LastHour
try something like this.
Thanks for the responce. Now Can you help me calcullating the standard deviation for the last 7 days. Where standard_deviation is if accessTime is 3 times standard deviation of average?