Hello Everyone
I have a field Month which has values like April 2017, May 2018,...
I am calculating with these using a stats command and I would like to sort by the Months in descending order.
When I use the sort command the values are sorted by Alphabetical order.
Hence I used strftime to convert the field into a date field, however I do not get any result.
Please find the query I have used below and help me with the corrections!
| fillnull value=0 "Budget Overrun percentage"
| eval Month=SUBSTR('Month',4, 15)
| eval "Budget Overrun percentage"= SUBSTR('Budget Overrun percentage', 1,1)
| stats values("Budget Overrun percentage") by Month
| sort by Month
Maria Arokiaraj
Can you include what Month
looks like prior to your changing it with substr
Hello @elliotproebstel
This does not seem to be working 😞
Not getting any results when using these commands.
when you try below what output you are receiving? d
source=* | fillnull value=0 "Budget Overrun percentage"
By line 5, if Month
contains values like "April 2017", "May 2018", etc., then the following should work to replace line 6:
| eval parsable_date="01 ".Month
| eval sort_date=strptime(parsable_date, "%d %B %Y")
| sort sort_date
And if you don't like seeing those extra fields there, you could remove them by adding this to the end:
| fields - sort_date parsable_date
Basically, I create parsable_date
because I don't think strptime
can create an epoch date string for a date that doesn't have a day specified.