Can any one help with a search language that could determine full disks and system logins after core hours?
Hi @essibong1,
did you already take the information on disks from your servers using TA_Windows and TA_nix or not?
If not, you have to install these TAs or enable the stanzas to read disks.
Then you have to run something like this for windows:
index=windows sourcetype=WinHostMon DriveType=fixed
| stats latest(TotalSpaceKB) AS TotalSpaceKB latest(FreeSpaceKB) AS FreeSpaceKB by host, Name
| eval Perc=(FreeSpaceKB/TotalSpaceKB)*100, TotalSpaceGB=TotalSpaceKB/1024/1024, FreeSpaceGB=FreeSpaceKB/1024/1024, host=upper(host)
| sort host
| table Name TotalSpaceGB FreeSpaceGB Perc
| rename host AS "Server Name" Name AS "Drive" Perc AS "FreeSpace%"
and for Linux
index=os sourcetype=hardware
| dedup host
| eval host=upper(host)
| table HARD_DRIVES fd0 hdc sda
| rename HARD_DRIVES AS "Hard Disks" fd0 AS "Floppy Disk" hdc AS "Hard Disk" sda AS "Virtual disk"