I have the following log from which I need to extract 2 fields:
[INFO ] 2020-11-16 20:52:30,729 (http-nio-8085-exec-127) [MyServiceImpl(emailServ:6431)] [my email@yahoo.com] [4223TD-E3DE-2345-8E59-1-YDHGC] Validation failed.Invalid. Response JSON {"emailAddress":"mynewemail","statusReason":"failed_syntax_check","domain":"","processedAt":"2020-11-16 20:52:30 GMT-0700 (MST)","cache":false,"account":"","status":"invalid"}
I need to show the below values as 2 different fields in a table:
Was not able to fetch Email1 field. Tried to fetch the Email2 field as below. But that didnt work either.
Please extend your help.
Hi @Nidd,
sorry: I forgot a slice of my regex:
| rex "\]\s+\[(?<email1>[^\@]+\@[^\@]+)\]\s+\[.*emailAddress\":\"(?<email2>[^\"]+)"
that you can test at https://regex101.com/r/ZLI9NN/2
| rex "(\[[^\[]+){2}\[(?<email1>[^\]]+).*emailAddress\":\"(?<email2>[^\"]+)"
Hi @Nidd, try this:
| rex "\[(?<email1>[^\@]+\@[^\@]+)\]\s+\[.*emailAddress\":\"(?<email2>[^\"]+)"
that you can test at https://regex101.com/r/ZLI9NN/1
Thank you @gcusello for the reply.
When trying to bring these fields in a table, the email2 field was perfect. But the email1 field came out like:
[INFO ] 2020-11-16 20:52:30,729 (http-nio-8085-exec-127) [MyServiceImpl(emailServ:6431)] [my email@yahoo.com
Hi @Nidd,
sorry: I forgot a slice of my regex:
| rex "\]\s+\[(?<email1>[^\@]+\@[^\@]+)\]\s+\[.*emailAddress\":\"(?<email2>[^\"]+)"
that you can test at https://regex101.com/r/ZLI9NN/2
Thank you very much @gcusello . That worked !!!