I wanted to divide each hostname by using the count of "documentcompletetime" field.
index=nextgen sourcetype=lighthouse_json sourcetype=lighthouse_json datasource=webpagetest step="Homepage"
| chart count(url) by hostname
The output of the query is as below...
The count(url) column I wanted to divide with the count of "documentcompletetime" field. This field is available in the events, screenshot for the same
I wanted to divide each and every value of count(url) column with "documentcompletetime" count which is 48 in this example. documentcompletetime value is not a static value. The value changes based on the test timings. Can you guys please help?
Hi @SG
got it!
index=nextgen sourcetype=lighthouse_json sourcetype=lighthouse_json datasource=webpagetest step="Homepage"
| eventstats dc(documentcompletetime) as documentcompletetime
| stats count(url) as count values(documentcompletetime) as documentcompletetime by hostname
| eval division=count/documentcompletetime
| table hostname count documentcompletetime division
Hi @SG
can you show the values of the documentcompletetime field?
also did you try this?
index=nextgen sourcetype=lighthouse_json sourcetype=lighthouse_json datasource=webpagetest step="Homepage"
| chart count(url) by hostname documentcompletetime
With the query provided by you, i am just getting the count of url by host name
hostname | NULL |
cdn.appdynamics.com | 47 |
digitalcontent.api.tesco.com | 658 |
o505202.ingest.sentry.io | 61 |
pdx-col.eum-appdynamics.com | 1 |
smetrics.tesco.com | 47 |
www.bing.com | 705 |
www.googletagmanager.com | 49 |
www.***.com | 686 |
I also wanted to divide each and every value in the null column with the count of "documentcompletetime" .
For example
hostname | NULL | documentcompletetime | count(url) |
cdn.appdynamics.com | 47 | 48 | 0.979167 |
digitalcontent.api.tesco.com | 658 | 48 | 13.70833 |
o505202.ingest.sentry.io | 61 | 48 | 1.270833 |
pdx-col.eum-appdynamics.com | 1 | 48 | 0.020833 |
smetrics.tesco.com | 47 | 48 | 0.979167 |
www.bing.com | 705 | 48 | 14.6875 |
www.googletagmanager.com | 49 | 48 | 1.020833 |
www.**.com | 686 | 48 | 14.29167 |
Hi @SG
got it!
index=nextgen sourcetype=lighthouse_json sourcetype=lighthouse_json datasource=webpagetest step="Homepage"
| eventstats dc(documentcompletetime) as documentcompletetime
| stats count(url) as count values(documentcompletetime) as documentcompletetime by hostname
| eval division=count/documentcompletetime
| table hostname count documentcompletetime division
Thanks to @aasabatini for the response, this is what i was looking for