I transpose header field time like this
| eval time=strftime(_time,"%H:%M")
| sort time
| fields - _time _span _origtime _events
| fillnull value=0
| transpose header_field=time 0 column_name=KPI include_empty=true
| sort KPI
Now I need to display only the fields for which _time is < to the current time
So I am doing this and it works
| where _time < now()
But I also need to disply only the fields an hour earlier to the current time
So I need something like this but I dont succeed
| where _time < now() AND _time > now()-1
Could you help please?
_time and now() are in seconds so 1 hour ago is now()-3600 that is 60 seconds times 60 minutes
| where _time < now() alone works
But _time=now()-3600 return any time fields
What I need is something like this
| where _time < now() AND _time=now()-3600 in order to display only the fields _time between 15h and 16h (considering the current time is 16)
instead this
| where _time < now() AND _time >= now()-3600
perfect thanks