Hi All,
I was hoping someone could answer my query:
I have the following:
index=ateme status=* | eval progress=if(status=="complete",100,progress) | stats latest(status) as Status, latest(progress) as Progress by jobId
Which creates a table I need. However the "jobId" field needs to be cross referenced with another field in a different event entry which would give me a filename and I would like to replace the jobId column with the filename associated with that jobId.
Does that make sense?
If the event that has the Filename also has the jobid, you can try this. If it doesn't you have to provide some samples
index=ateme status=* | eventstats values(filename) as filename by jobId | eval progress=if(status=="complete",100,progress) | stats latest(status) as Status, latest(progress) as Progress by filename