Hey there , kindly need support how to determine received logs SIZE for specific Host. Prefers to be done through GUI
Hit: working on distributed environment also own License master instance
thanks in advance,
Hi @Bisho-Fouad .. on the DMC / license master.. you can find out the license usage of a specific host.
pls suggest us exactly which step/status you are in..
As you are asking GUI.. the SPL gives more control actually.
Hi @Bisho-Fouad
Here's an example search to solve your question...
host=<your host> ``` and whatever else you need to filter your data ````
| eval bytes = length(_raw) ``` generally 1 character = 1 byte ```
| stats sum(bytes) AS bytes BY source ``` this gives the size of each log, assuming the source is the name of the log file ```
| eval kilobytes = bytes/1024)
| evenstats sum(kilobytes) AS total_kb
Hope that helps