Hello Splunkers!!
I have ingested data into Splunk from the source system using the URI "https://localhost:8088/services/collector" along with the HEC token. However, the data is not being displayed in Splunk with the appropriate sourcetype parsing, which is affecting the timestamp settings for the events.
The sourcetype and timestamp are currently being displayed as below.
My actual props.conf setting as below :
LINE_BREAKER = ([\r\n]+)
category = Custom
KV_MODE = json
pulldown_type = 1
TIME_PREFIX = ^\@timestamp
TIME_FORMAT = %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%3N
TRANSFORMS-trim_timestamp = trim_long_timestamp
REGEX = (\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\.\d{3})\d+(-\d{2}:\d{2})
Please help to fix the proper parsing with correct sourcetype and timestamp.
Sends timestamped events to HTTP Event Collector using the Splunk platform JSON event protocol when auto_extract_timestamp is set to "true" in the /event URL.
In other words - unless you specify your URI as /services/collector/event?auto_extract_timestamp=true your timestamp will _not_ be extracted from the event itself (Splunk will not even bother looking for it - it will either get the data from the json envelope or will assume current timestamp if there is no timestamp in the envelope). And even if the auto_extract_timestamp parameter is set to true, in cases listed above extraction is not performed either.
See also https://www.aplura.com/assets/pdf/hec_pipelines.pdf
Sends timestamped events to HTTP Event Collector using the Splunk platform JSON event protocol when auto_extract_timestamp is set to "true" in the /event URL.
In other words - unless you specify your URI as /services/collector/event?auto_extract_timestamp=true your timestamp will _not_ be extracted from the event itself (Splunk will not even bother looking for it - it will either get the data from the json envelope or will assume current timestamp if there is no timestamp in the envelope). And even if the auto_extract_timestamp parameter is set to true, in cases listed above extraction is not performed either.
See also https://www.aplura.com/assets/pdf/hec_pipelines.pdf