i installed universal forwarder 4 machine this event log is getting my pc
i want to compare my event log and universal forwarder ip address as where i receive so i use to lookup index="_internal" to get hostname and compare my event log host
event log index
index=* EventCode=4624
the check index of the universal forwarder is
index=_internal fwdType=uf | table hostname sourceHost | rename hostname as uf_username sourceHost as uf_hostname | join sourceHost [search index=* EventCode=4624 Source_Network_Address=* Account_Name=Administrator Account_Domain=* | table Source_Network_Address Account_Name host]
how to compare this and if the host name matches both indexes and get the ip address from index=_internal fwdType=uf sourceHost and index=* Source_Network_Address
I believe if you want to use join, then the field names need to be the same. So since you rename sourceHost to uf_hostname, then joining on sourceHost won't work. You would need to join on uf_hostname instead and then also rename the "join" field in the second search to also be called uf_hostname.
That said, if I understand what you're trying to do (which i may not) and you have dns available, then you could try using a dns lookup instead....so just lookup the ip that is in the Source_Network_Address to get the hostname directly? No need to join to internal logs then...
index=* EventCode=4624
| lookup dnslookup clientip AS Source_Network_Address OUTPUT clienthost AS uf_hostname_or_whatever
Or something to that effect.