I am pulling data from two different sources. Each source contains data on a computer's serial number. I want to be able to generate a report when a serial number exists in both sources.
So I'm monitoring 2 folders for the following files which get updated every hour:
ContactData.csv << This shows the contact data of who owns this server
Serial=12345, Contact_Name=Dave Smirth, Phone_num=0123456789
Software_violation << This shows a list of bad software running.
SerialNum=12345; Software=Tor,uTorrent
In each source, the serials are in two different fields
1. "Serial Number supported"
2. System_Serial_Number
So I want a combined report output of
Dave Smith
Running Tor,uTorrent
You would use a join here:
|inputlookup ContactData.csv | join Serial [ |inputlookup Software_violation | rename SerialNum as Serial] | table Serial, Contact_Name, Phone_num, Software
I assumed your Software_violoation was a lookup. If its not a lookup, replace "|inputlookup Software_violation" with "search sourcetype=Software_violation", or other relevant search.
Good Luck!
Try something like this (check the field names, especially in coalesce command)
(index=A source=source1) OR (index=B source=source2) | eval Serial=coalesce('Serial Number supported', System_Serial_Number) | stats values(Contact_Name) as Contact_Name values(Phone_num) as Phone_num values(Software) as Bad_Softwares by Serial
Thank you for the "stats values" part as that has given a bit part which i was missing; how to show only some data.
But the "eval Serial=coalesce" isn't quite doing what i need. I want to only select values where the serial number exists in both sources.