I have a search that will extract a field to a summary index and I want to search that field in a specific index after 5 min
index=applications message="Request from suspicious actor*" | fields srcIp | | collect index=siem-summary source=example-summary
then 5 min later, i would like to lookup that srcIp in network=index
Thanks in advance!
Hi, @gozdeyildiz
Assuming that a summary index is created every five minutes in reports, etc.
index=network OR (index=siem-summary source=example-summary)
| stats dc(index) as flag by srcIp
| where flag > 1
This query provides srcIps in index network that is contains in index siem-summary.
How about this?
Hi @to4kawa,
No actually, there is a search that populates summary index if there is any match. I want that search to trigger another search specific indexes after 5 min of trigger.
Splunk can set the search period.
Are you making summaries regularly?
Isn't it the same to search for a summary 5 minutes ago after 5 minutes?