I have a search head cluster and one of my searches is consuming full memory, which is running only in KV store, not going to even an indexer. I'm just looking for a command to check the KV store size, because the same search is running fine in a different environment. I'm suspecting that there is an issue with huge KV store in this environment.
| rest /services/server/introspection/kvstore/collectionstats
| mvexpand data
| spath input=data
| rex field=ns "(?<App>.*)\.(?<Collection>.*)"
| eval dbsize=round(size/1024/1024, 2)
| eval indexsize=round(totalIndexSize/1024/1024, 2)
| stats first(count) AS "Number of Objects" first(nindexes) AS Accelerations first(indexsize) AS "Acceleration Size (MB)" first(dbsize) AS "Collection Size (MB)" by App, Collection
We can try below command on Searchhead to check the kvstore size:
index="_introspection" sourcetype="kvstore" component=KVStoreCollectionStats
| spath "data.ns"
| dedup "data.ns"
| eventstats sum(data.size) as total
| head 1
| eval totalGB=total/1024/1024/1024
| table totalGB
That query doesn't seem right. For us the data.ns appears to be a the KV Store Name so it wouldn't make sense to sum by data.ns