Hi Team,
I am trying to upgrade Splunk from 7.3.1 to Splunk 8.1, using the following steps :-
Stoping Splunk on the server
tar -xzf ${SPLUNK_HOME}/splunk-8.1.5-9c0c082e4596-Linux-x86_64.tgz -C ${SPLUNK_HOME}/
${SPLUNK_HOME}/bin/splunk start --accept-license --answer-yes
When the splunk is getting started on this server its still showing splunk 7.3 version.
The python version on the linux machine is 2.7.5, can you please confirm if that is the root cause for this behavior.
Thanks in advance !!
Hey Rahul,
I guess you are untarring to a child directory..
Note the command for untarring (from https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/8.2.1/Installation/UpgradeonUNIX)
tar xzf splunk-8.2.0-12345678-Linux-x86_64.tgz -C /opt
In this case, the actual directory for $SPLUNK_HOME is /opt/splunk/
With your command, the Splunk 8.1 files were untarred to $SPLUNK_HOME/splunk
You can run ls -l to verify that..
Untar to one dir level back from $SPLUNK_HOME
Hey Rahul,
I guess you are untarring to a child directory..
Note the command for untarring (from https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/8.2.1/Installation/UpgradeonUNIX)
tar xzf splunk-8.2.0-12345678-Linux-x86_64.tgz -C /opt
In this case, the actual directory for $SPLUNK_HOME is /opt/splunk/
With your command, the Splunk 8.1 files were untarred to $SPLUNK_HOME/splunk
You can run ls -l to verify that..
Untar to one dir level back from $SPLUNK_HOME
Thanks, yeah i was doing this mistake.
Can you please check migration logs for ERROR?
You can also validate version using below search,
| rest /services/server/info | table splunk_server version
Hi Kamlesh,
i verified the migration logs, it didn't generated and the splunk version is still 7.3.1
Is that any error during restarting Splunk? Can you please check it?
there is no such error or warning pointing to such issues.
The python version on that server is 2.7 can that be areason ?
No I don't think So. Splunk has it's own Python binaries/