Hi Folks,
I have a quick question.
currently I have a syslog event and I need to see in splunk the raw data the info in different order:
original syslog
(?<field1>REGEX),(?<field2>REGEX),(?<field3>REGEX), etc.......
what I want to see indexed in splunk
I tried with SED command in props.conf is really useful to clean the data but not to reorder the info.
Thanks in advance
Hi @asabatini,
I think the problem is name-capturing groups in REGEX. Using name-capturing groups will already create a field without a FORMAT parameter.
You can try one of the below options;
Using name-capturing groups in REGEX;
REGEX = (?<group1>.+\s\-\s\-\s\-\s).*.auditID.:.(?<group2>[\w-]+)..*requestURI.:.(?<group4>[^,]+).+username.:.(?<group5>[^,]+).+sourceIPs....(?<group3>\d+.\d+.\d+.\d+)
Without name-capturing groups in REGEX;
REGEX = (.+\s\-\s\-\s\-\s).*.auditID.:.([\w-]+)..*requestURI.:.([^,]+).+username.:.([^,]+).+sourceIPs....(\d+.\d+.\d+.\d+)
FORMAT = group1::$1, group2::$2, group5::$3, group3::$4, group4::$5
Hi @asabatini,
You can reorder or modify raw data using transforms, you need to capture parts of the messages and reorder them like $1$3$2, etc.
please see the document below;
Hi @scelikok
I agree with you, I would show you my props and transforms conf file
transforms-rebuild = group1
REGEX = (?<group1>.+\s\-\s\-\s\-\s).*.auditID.:.(?<group2>[\w-]+)..*requestURI.:.(?<group3>[^,]+).+username.:.(?<group4>[^,]+).+sourceIPs....(?<group5>\d+.\d+.\d+.\d+)
FORMAT = group1::$1, group2::$2, group5::$3, group3::$4, group4::$5
Did I forget something in the conf files?
Hi Alessandro.
If that's your actual copy-pasted excerpt from props.conf you have
transforms-rebuild = group1
instead of
TRANSFORMS-rebuild = group1
(yes, case does matter here)