Our domain controllers were resending the entire Windows EventLog every 30 minutes. No duplicate inputs entries. No duplicate outputs entries. Using a search like
host=foohost index=bar_index earliest=-1h |
convert ctime(_indextime) |
convert ctime(_time) |
stats count list(host) list(splunk_server) list(_time) list(_indextime) by _raw
would display multiple indexings of the exact same _raw message, even the timestamp. Adjusting the earliest parameter showed that it happened every 30 minutes.
We encountered this on Splunk 6.5.1
We tried a fresh re-install of the forwarder, no change.
We tried inspecting the checkpoint file, but it wasn't corrupt or anything.
After much debugging with Splunk support, we determined that having
in our configs was a primary cause of the behavior. Disabling that directive on the inputs, going back to the default
start_from = oldest
eliminated the issue immediately. Hopefully this helps others.
After much debugging with Splunk support, we determined that having
in our configs was a primary cause of the behavior. Disabling that directive on the inputs, going back to the default
start_from = oldest
eliminated the issue immediately. Hopefully this helps others.
- Is the sourcetype the same? WMI enabled? Possible some other host is doing WMI collection? sourcetype would tell you that.
- If you disable inputs.conf will you still get logs?
- Check metrics.logs
- How was the UF installed? CLI installation with WINEVENTLOG_SEC_ENABLE=0 WINEVENTLOG_SYS_ENABLE=0 ?
I hope this help you debugging the issue!