Hi all,
I found that searches in my unix index returns events only up to the past two months for a significant number of sourcetypes (bash_history, audit, secure, sudo logs).
Shouldn't the events be retained according to the retention period set using 'frozenTimePeriodInSecs'?
We set the period to 365 days.
Hi @zijian,
if you have logs of arounf two months ago but you don't have logs ot today, probably means that you had a problem that blocked the log ingestions.
The retention is satisfied because you have logs of two months ago that aren't outside the retention period.
So I hint to check the log ingestions.
If instead the problem is that you haven't logs older than 2 months, I hint to see if there are more retention definitions for that index that override the correct one.
You can do this using btool (https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/9.0.0/Troubleshooting/Usebtooltotroubleshootconfigurati...).