I ma trying to onboard the %SystemRoot%\System32\Winevt\Logs\Microsoft-AzureADPasswordProtection-DCAgent%4Admin.evtx logs
This logs is available on the eventviewer under Eventviwer-> Application and Services Logs -> Microsoft -> AzureADPasswordprotection ->DCAgent -> Admin
I have added the below inputs.conf stanza in Windows_TA addon
disabled = false
index = wineventlog_itd
disabled = false
index = wineventlog_itd
Both are not working. Any thoughts ??
You can't use wildcards. So assuming you have a single log and your name is ok (I don't use Azure stuff so can't verify the actual name of the channel but it looks reasonable) the first syntax should be ok.
You can use
splunk list inputstatus
to see how your inputs are doing. Check the spkunkd.log on the forwarder as well.
Does your UF have enough permissions to read that channel?