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How to correct fields extracted twice ?



I made a mistake during on migration on data source. I moved from csv format to json.

Suppose the migration date is day A.

On that day, I have in my props.conf (the one on the indexer cluster)



When I looked at the result on the Search Cluster, the field where displayed twice.

I missed the props.conf on the SHC saying :


KV_MODE = json.


So on day B : I rolled back => and deleted the "INDEXED_EXTRACTIONS" from the props.conf file on the IDX cluster.


Since day B : results are perfectly fine.



When I look at events between A and B period => the fields are displayed twice.

I need to keep the KV_MODE on, because otherwise, I cannot extract any data when searching (no extraction made at index time before day A and after day B).

As a results, all calculus using part of period between A and B are false. I even get percentage > 100%.


Question is :

- do you have any idea how to fix this so the results of the splunk command will be ok (I can't believe I'm the only one to face this wall).

- is there any way to delete the extracted fields withour deleting (masking) the data ?


Thanks everyone,



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1 Solution


You cannot change the sourcetype once the data has been indexed. You'll need to delete it and re-ingest.

An upvote would be appreciated and Accept Solution if it helps!

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You cannot change the sourcetype once the data has been indexed. You'll need to delete it and re-ingest.

An upvote would be appreciated and Accept Solution if it helps!
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Thanks, I'm currently doing this one.

But, I'd hoped for another solution as I keep storing "faulty" data even though it's useless.

(Plus, this is not easy doing that on prod env).


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