Dashboards & Visualizations

how to create a dashboard with avg AUTHZ usage over 30 days, per host

index= name  tag=name  NOT "health-*" words="Authentication words" OR MESSAGE_TEXT="Authentication word" | stats count by host | table host,count
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Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

Some sample searches to start with as requested.
You can adjust the time spans and thresholds as needed. These queries should provide a foundation for your AUTHZ usage dashboard, balancing detail with performance.

  1. Total AUTHZ attempts:


index=yourindexname tag=name NOT "health-*" (words="Authentication words" OR MESSAGE_TEXT="Authentication word")

| stats count as Total

  1. Successful vs. failed authorizations:



index=yourindexname tag=name NOT "health-*" (words="Authentication words" OR MESSAGE_TEXT="Authentication word")

| stats count(eval(INFO="success" OR match(ERROR,"user failure"))) as Success, count as Total

| eval Failed = Total - Success

| eval Success_Rate = round((Success/Total)*100,2)

| table Success, Failed, Total, Success_Rate



  1. Authorization attempts by host:



index=yourindexname tag=name NOT "health-*" (words="Authentication words" OR MESSAGE_TEXT="Authentication word")

| stats count as Attempts by host

| sort -Attempts

| head 10



  1. Peak authorization times and average response time:



index=yourindexname tag=name NOT "health-*" (words="Authentication words" OR MESSAGE_TEXT="Authentication word")

| timechart span=15min count as Attempts avg(duration) as avg_duration perc95(duration) as p95_duration

| eval avg_duration=round(avg_duration/1000,2)

| eval p95_duration=round(p95_duration/1000,2)


Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

       1. You can start with your base search. 

  1. Add a time range and average calculation:
index=* tag=name NOT "health-*" (words="Authentication words" OR MESSAGE_TEXT="Authentication word") | bucket _time span=1d | stats count as daily_count by host, _time | stats avg(daily_count) as avg_daily_count by host


        3. Create a dashboard and add a table panel using this search.

        4. Add visualizations like bar charts to represent the data graphically

Key Metrics to Track:

  • Total AUTHZ attempts
  • Successful vs. failed authorizations logins
  • Authorization attempts by host
  • Authorization attempts by user
  • Peak authorization times
  • Unusual patterns or anomalies

Dashboard Components:

  • Summary statistics panel
  • Time series graph of authorization attempts
  • Top hosts by authorization usage (table or bar chart)
  • Top users by authorization attempts (table or bar chart)
  • Geographical map of authorization attempts (if applicable)
  • Failed authorization attempts breakdown



Below Links should help you out.

Refer: https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/9.3.1/SearchTutorial/Createnewdashboard

Hope this helps


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