Dashboards & Visualizations

Why does ColorPalette conditional shows in edit mode but not show in preview?


Below is a colorpalette expression I have in my classic dashboard:

<format type="color" field="Present">
<colorPalette type="expression">
if(value &gt; $90PercentThreshold$, "#f50d0d", "#43e40a") <green and red, respectively>

My query is:

"Checking <directory>*"
| rex field=_raw "InputObject\";\s+value=\"Checking (?&lt;Directory&gt;[^\"]+) Max allowed:\s+(?&lt;Max_Allowed&gt;\d+).*Files present:\s+(?&lt;Present&gt;\d+)"
| dedup Directory
| eval 50PercentThreshold = Max_Allowed * 0.5
| eval 90PercentThreshold = Max_Allowed * 0.9
| table _time, Directory, Present, Max_Allowed
| sort - Present

This is getting a file count across several directories as well as the maximum allowed files in that directory (all within the log)\. My issue is that I can see the cells in the table colored during edit mode, but when I switch to preview, the colors are not present any longer (no color exists).

Additionally, is there a way to express multiple conditionals for the colorpalette? An example would be the following, but I must have the wrong syntax:

<format type="color" field="Present">
<colorPalette type="expression">
if(value &gt; $90PercentThreshold$, "#f50d0d",
if(value &gt; $50PercentThreshold$ AND value &lt; $90PercentThreshold$, "#f2bb11", "#43e40a"))

Thanks in advance!


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