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How to get the 3 columns result with 3 different time stamps

Path Finder

Hi Splunk Guys,

Please help me with the query. My requirement is, I need search server count in here based on the version for 3 different time stamps. REsult as shown in the below

Version Type30 days60 Days90 Days

Index=_internal sourcetype=servers_list earlist=-30d
| stats count(Parameter) as ServersCount_Last30Days by Value 

The above query gives me last 30 days result. 

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@vvemula based on your question seems like you are interested in delta for each time duration i.e 0-30 days 30-60 days and 60-90 days.

Following is a run anywhere search based on Splunk's _internal index which splunkd errors for last 7 days as 0-1 day, 1-3 days and 3-7 days broken down by various components.

[Optional only for demo use case]... it retains only top 5 components as per total errors.

index="_internal" sourcetype="splunkd" log_level!="INFO" earliest="-7d" latest=now
| stats count as Total count(eval(_time>relative_time(now(),"-1d@d") AND _time<=now())) as "0-1 day"
                       count(eval(_time>relative_time(now(),"-3d@d") AND _time<=relative_time(now(),"-1d@d-1s"))) as "1-3 days"
                       count(eval(_time>relative_time(now(),"-7d@d") AND _time<=relative_time(now(),"-3d@d-1s"))) as "3-7 days" by component
| sort - Total
| head 5
| fields component * Total

 You can adjust as per your needs, data and field names. Please try out and confirm!

| makeresults | eval message= "Happy Splunking!!!"
0 Karma

Path Finder

@niketn   HI, Thank you so much for your reply.

So As per your example. I have tried my requirement. 

| stats count(servers) as Total count(eval(_time>relative_time(now(),"-30d@d") AND _time<=now())) as "30day"
count(eval(_time>relative_time(now(),"-60d@d") AND _time<=relative_time(now(),"-30d@d-1s"))) as "60days"
count(eval(_time>relative_time(now(),"-90d@d") AND _time<=relative_time(now(),"-60d@d-1s"))) as "90days" by parameter


--> "Parameter" has 10 different values, based on the stats,... I am getting only 5 few.
--> 60days and 90days not working coming as "0" s

Am I doing something wrong in here. ?

0 Karma


Hi @vvemula 

Based on your use case the following should do what you  want ...

index=_internal sourcetype=servers_list earliest=-90d@d
| stats
    count(eval(if(_time <= relative_time(now(), "-30d@d"), Parameter, null() ) )) as "30 Days"
    count(eval(if(_time <= relative_time(now(), "-60d@d"), Parameter, null() ) )) as "60 Days"
    count(eval(if(_time <= relative_time(now(), "-90d@d"), Parameter, null() ) )) as "90 Days"
  BY Value


If you want distinct 30 days period counts then adjust the eval statement, e.g.

stats ...
   count(eval(if(_time > relative_time(now(), "-30d@d") AND _time <= relative_time(now(), "-60d@d"), Parameter, null() ) )) AS "30-60 Days"

 Hope this helps.  If it does then please mark post as solved.

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