Hi Splunkers,
I am trying to copy the whole text inside textarea to the clipboard when user clicks on a button. I tried implementing suggestions from stackoverflow but nothing worked.
It looks like may be i have hardcoded some text and also using run time token which might be causing issues.
<panel id="Os_details">
<label>Paste the following in your alerting search</label>
<button id="clipboard">Copy to Clipboard</button>
<textarea name="generateSearchWindow" rows="25" readonly="true" style="width:98%;margin-top:12px;color:black; text-align: left;">
| eval p_os = "$os_change_tok$"
| eval p_alert_class = "$alert_class_change_tok$"
| eval p_monitoring_type = "$monitoring_type_change_tok$"
| eval p_monitoring_component = $monitoringComponent$
| eval p_hostname = "$hostnamePattern$"
| eval search_name = "$searchName$"
| eval unique_id=p_os + ":" + p_alert_class + ":" + p_monitoring_type + ":" + p_monitoring_component + ":" + p_hostname
| fields - _raw
| collect index=Test_monitoring_test addtime=false report_name="Test_EE_$searchName$_default"
JS Used:-
], function(_, $, Backbone, mvc,SearchManager) {
//Find your input control and associate tool tip attribute for it. Here data-placement represents the position of tool tip(top,bottom,right,left,auto)
$('#textbox1').find('input').attr('title', 'Hovering Example to be added').attr('data-toggle', 'tooltip').attr('data-placement', 'bottom');
$('#monitoringComponent').find('div').attr('title', 'TextArea example').attr('data-toggle', 'tooltip').attr('data-placement', 'bottom');
// Iitialize Default and Submitted Token Model.
var defaultTokenModel = mvc.Components.get("default");
var submittedTokenModel = mvc.Components.get("submitted");
var defaultTokenSpace = mvc.Components.getInstance('default');
$('textarea').each(function (ta) {
$(this).on('input', function(input) {
defaultTokenSpace.set($(this).attr('id').replace('ta_' ,'') ,$(this).val());
document.getElementById("clipboard").onclick = function() {
var copyTextarea = document.createElement("textarea");
copyTextarea.style.position = "fixed";
copyTextarea.style.opacity = "0";
copyTextarea.textContent = document.getElementById("generateSearchWindow").value;
Kindly help me, what am I missing please or where should i focus more. It would be highly appreciated.
Can someone please help me around here. That would be highly appreciable.