Hi All, using the default drilldown the drilldown would open in a new tab as expected when I edited the drilldown to make the results more specific like this
<condition field="community">
<set token="community_tok">$click.value$</set>
<eval token="drilldown.earliest">strptime($row._time$,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")</eval>
<eval token="drilldown.latest">strptime($row._time$,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") + $row._span$</eval>
<link target="_blank">search?q="index%3Dtelephony%20community%3d$community_tok$%20%7Ctimechart%20count%20by%20community&earliest=$drilldown.earliest$&latest=$drilldown.latest$"</link>
the drill down works as expected but it no longer opens in a new tab any ideas anyone?
I am using splunk enterprise 8.1.1
Update it looks like this is an edge issue it works fine in chrome
The dashboard is loading fine it just isn't loading in a new tab
$row._time$ is epoch time, it can't do strptime.