I've read a bunch of questions and answers on this topic but I am not able to implement the column chart meeting these two requirements:
This is a mock-up of how it should look like:
These were my two attempts:
First attempt (Coloring the columns did not work, but labels below the columns worked):
index=itdmfc-p source="jira_history://IT-DemMgmt-FC" issue_type="Sub-task"
| rename components{} AS components
| where components LIKE "Cloud"
| dedup key
| eval assigned = if(status=="Assigned", "Assigned", null)
| eval inProgress = if(status=="In Progress", "In Progress", null)
| eval waiting = if(status=="Waiting for customer", "Waiting for customer", null)
| eval accepted = if(status=="Accepted", "Accepted", null)
| eval declined = if(status=="Finally Declined", "Finally Declined", null)
| eval obsolete = if(status=="Obsolete", "Obsolete", null)
| eval total = "1"
| chart count(total) as Total, count(assigned) as Assigned, count(inProgress) as "In Progress", count(waiting) as "Waiting for customer", count(accepted) as Accepted, count(declined) as Declined, count(obsolete) as Obsolete
| transpose 0 column_name="Status"
Result: (impossible to color the single columns separately)
I've tried coloring the columns with <option name="charting.seriesColors">[ffffff, F5B041, F7DC6F, D5DBDB, 3DB42A]</option> and also with charting.fieldColors but it didn't bring the expected result.
Second attempt (Coloring the columns worked, but labels below columns not):
index=itdmfc-p source="jira_history://IT-DM-FC" issue_type="Sub-task"
| rename components{} AS components
| where components LIKE "Cloud"
| dedup key
| eval assigned = if(status=="Assigned", "Assigned", null)
| eval inProgress = if(status=="In Progress", "In Progress", null)
| eval waiting = if(status=="Waiting for customer", "Waiting for customer", null)
| eval accepted = if(status=="Accepted", "Accepted", null)
| eval declined = if(status=="Finally Declined", "Finally Declined", null)
| eval obsolete = if(status=="Obsolete", "Obsolete", null)
| eval total = "1"
| chart count(total) as Total, count(assigned) as Assigned, count(inProgress) as "In Progress", count(waiting) as "Waiting for customer", count(accepted) as Accepted, count(declined) as Declined, count(obsolete) as Obsolete
This second attempt allowed me to color the columns, but I wasn't able to add the labels directly below each single column.
Is there a way to combine both requirements: Having labels directly below the columns as in my first attempt and coloring each column separately as in my second attempt?
You can refer to spunk solution to see how to assign a specific colors to chart columns based on it's value: https://community.splunk.com/t5/Dashboards-Visualizations/How-to-assign-colors-to-values-in-a-chart/...