How do you manage the vsid in dashboards? I tried to edit a saved search in a splunkbase app but got this error. The app got permissions R/W to everyone.
And how come that sometimes you can edit a dasboard from actions menu, and sometimes not? ( is this a simple/advanced xml build issue?)
Which splunkbase app contains these saved searches?
Likely, the app's permissions need to be updated so that the viewstates it contains are visible globally, across apps.
For more information on a fix:
This is more or less a bug.
However, in dashboards you should never count on the vsid to control appearance. I delete the vsid from the app savedsearches.conf file, and use the XML view options to control how the charts appear: This is much more transparent and reliable.
Still more or less a bug in version 6.0.5
You have two questions here which you should separate.