Is there a method to add custom AD Attributes from the AD Objects to the AD Object KV Stores in the MS AD Objects App or are we better off using a separate search to set these objects in a "Supplemental" AD Objects KV Store? Currently, the app maps most of the defaults AD Objects, but there are some that are not mapped that we'd like to add to the KV Store for use with other apps.
Coming in years after this question was asked, because I've been trying to do the same and I finally figured it out today!
The TA is currently on version 4.1.1
To get additional fields to appear in AD_Obj_User you need to do the following:
Edit the macro `ms_obj_admon_base_out_user` and include the fields you want in the SPL for "fields" and "table"
Do the same for the macro `ms_obj_user_base_migrate` just in case.
The part I was missing for years up until now was you have to edit the KV Store to specify what fields are allowed to be stored.
Edit the Lookup (KV Store) AD_Obj_User (Collection name is AD_Obj_User_LDAP_list_kv) and add the desired fields.
Rebuild your lookup and you're good to go!