Hello everyone,
I want to send a Splunk alert to Slack channel. Below are the steps I have followed. However the alert wont be sent to Slack using the Slack Webhook Alert
Kindly advise how I could resolve this issue.
Kind Regards,
Hi. There are several apps on Splunkbase. The one we use is https://splunkbase.splunk.com/app/2878/
1) I got a Slack web hook and modify an alert_actions.conf
param.webhook_url = https://hooks.slack.com/services/ABC12345/YYYYYY/xxxxxx
2) easy test is to just send to yourself. My Slack username is myuser. It arrives as Slackbot in Slack.
| sendalert slack param.channel="@myuser" param.message="Friday test"
3) And it works. Look in _audit
Audit:[timestamp=02-05-2021 22:03:32.419, user=myuser, action=search, info=granted , search_id='1612562612.438546_EC468701-9D5D-4C6B-B22C-9B179F397BB8', search='| sendalert slack param.channel="@myuser" param.message="Friday test"', autojoin='1', buckets=0, ttl=600, max_count=500000, maxtime=8640000, enable_lookups='1', extra_fields='', apiStartTime='Fri Feb 5 21:48:32 2021', apiEndTime='Fri Feb 5 22:03:32 2021', savedsearch_name=""][n/a]
Furthermore if I specified a bad username or bad slack channel
| sendalert slack param.channel="#nosuchchannel" param.message="Friday test"
I get an error in the browser
Error in 'sendalert' command: Alert script returned error code 5.
The search job has failed due to an error. You may be able view the job in the Job Inspector.
If you look in the job inspector you can see the actual error
2-05-2021 22:08:21.401 INFO sendmodalert - action=slack STDERR - Running python 3
02-05-2021 22:08:21.401 WARN sendmodalert - action=slack STDERR - Validation warning: Parameter `attachment` must be ether "alert_link" or "message"
02-05-2021 22:08:21.401 INFO sendmodalert - action=slack STDERR - Using configured webhook URL: https://hooks.slack.com/services/T025DU6HX/BBLUA59Q9/xxxxxx
02-05-2021 22:08:21.401 ERROR sendmodalert - action=slack STDERR - HTTP request to Slack webhook URL failed: HTTP Error 404: Not Found
02-05-2021 22:08:21.401 ERROR sendmodalert - action=slack STDERR - Slack error response: b'channel_not_found'
02-05-2021 22:08:21.401 FATAL sendmodalert - action=slack STDERR - Alert action failed
02-05-2021 22:08:21.407 INFO sendmodalert - action=slack - Alert action script completed in duration=230 ms with exit code=5
02-05-2021 22:08:21.407 WARN sendmodalert - action=slack - Alert action script returned error code=5
02-05-2021 22:08:21.446 ERROR sendmodalert - Error in 'sendalert' command: Alert script returned error code 5.