I saw that someone asked something similar before but it was in reference to different data and I couldn't get it to work. Right now I am pulling all the data from windows servers. I would like to set up an alert if the same error (or warning) occurs more than twice in one hour per server. obvious this would not be for informational items etc.
This would run every hour
So for example
Host 1 - error1234@13:04 error1234@13:10 error1234@13:14
Host 2 - error1234@13:04
Alert sent at 14:00 - Host 1 has had error1234 occur x times from 13:00 to 14:00
Appreciate the help - thanks!
Hi dolejh76,
Try something like this:
Your base search here AND error1234 | bucket _time span=1h | stats count by host | where count>2
Hope this helps...
cheers, MuS
Hi dolejh76,
Try something like this:
Your base search here AND error1234 | bucket _time span=1h | stats count by host | where count>2
Hope this helps...
cheers, MuS
Ok I manage to make forward progress...
index="wineventlog" AND Type=Error OR Type=Warning| bucket _time span=1h | stats count by host | where count>2
This results in a list of hosts and the count of messages over 2 times per hour.
How would I go about getting the output to be something like...
Error1234 - 10x
Error2345 - 7x
Warning1234 - 10x
Error1234 - 3x
Error2345 - 7x
Warning1234 - 6x
The end goal will be to send these alerts to the helpdesk so that they see that there are continuous errors that are occurring frequently or warnings on a server so that we look at the root cause and resolve.
index="wineventlog" AND Type=Error OR Type=Warning | bucket _time span=1h | stats count by host,Message | where count>2
Think this gives me what I want. At least gives me a lot to look at...
Glad to see you got what you want 🙂
How do I specify type error and type warning?
I guess I should clarify - any error, not just 1234... - so do I just remove "AND error1234" from your string?