Hi all,
I found the solution. The events I am looking for are:
09-20-2012 15:38:08.583 +0200 INFO VolumeManager - The size of volume 'cold' exceeds the limit, will have to acquiesce it (size=2055243225109, max_size=2055208960000, path='/opt/splunk_cold/data/indexer/cold/indexer')
09-20-2012 15:38:08.583 +0200 INFO VolumeManager - Getting a list of candidate buckets for moving (chilling or freezing)
09-20-2012 15:38:08.704 +0200 INFO VolumeManager - Will move bucket with latest=1332892827, path='/opt/splunk_cold/data/indexer/cold/indexer/_internaldb/colddb/db_1332892827_1332892827_31'
09-20-2012 15:38:08.705 +0200 INFO VolumeManager - Bucket moved successfully (current size=2055243221817, max=2055208960000)
09-20-2012 15:38:08.705 +0200 INFO VolumeManager - Will move bucket with latest=1332894456, path='/opt/splunk_cold/data/indexer/cold/indexer/main/colddb/db_1332894456_1332808057_143'
09-20-2012 15:38:08.705 +0200 INFO VolumeManager - Bucket moved successfully (current size=2054983523562, max=2055208960000)
I was able to query the relevant data (Will move bucket...) and calculate the actual retention as follows:
index=_internal sourcetype="splunkd" component="VolumeManager" move /opt/splunk_cold | eval eff_retention_days=((_time-latest)/3600/24) | timechart span=1d min(eff_retention_days) as "actual retention (d)"
Thank you all for your help!
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