Hello everyone,
Splunk beginner here!! Just trying to do something simple. I have a list of students being obtained from a simple splunk query with their respective marks. For example, a small sample of my current output -
SName, Marks
Neymar, 87
Ronaldo, 92
Messi, 98
Now, I have a lookup table which has a range of marks and the respective grade. Lookup table format -
LRange, HRange, Grade
95, 100, A
90, 95, B
85, 90, C
My objective is to compare and assign each student an appropriate grade. For example, Neymar has 87 marks so he will fall under greater than 85 and less 90, so 'C'. Want my final result to be displayed as follows -
Sname, Marks, Grade
Neymar, 87, C
Ronaldo, 92, B
Messi, 98, A
The query I wrote is which doesn't work -
..basic query.. |inputlookup stu_marks append=t where ("Marks">="LRange") AND ("Marks"<"HRange") | fields "Grade"
Any help is highly appreciated.
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