I am using the following search:
( sourcetype=iis ) sc_status=500 |stats count by uri_path sc_status date
but that only gives me the failures, I want the successes for them as well i.e. sc_status=200 or other sc_status
If I try :
( sourcetype=iis ) |stats count by uri_path sc_status date
I get too many results that had never had 400, 500, i.e. the ur_path s that always were successful,
I just want the
( sourcetype=iis ) |stats count by uri_path sc_status date
results sets that contain at least one sc_status >400
I tried using join, inner join (1)
( sourcetype=iis ) sc_status=500 |stats count by uri_path sc_status date
with (2)
( sourcetype=iis ) |stats count by uri_path sc_status date
I got this :
( sourcetype=iis ) sc_status=500 |fields uri_path | join uri_path [search sourcetype=iis | fields uri_path,sc_status,date ] | stats count by uri_path , sc_status , date| sort -count
but the result does not contain any sc_status = 500
The result should be (2) where each one of the uri_path was in (1).
That means sc_status = 500 should also be included in the final result.
Maybe there is an alternative way of finding the totals of status codes per uri per day. I would be happy with just a result like so
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