Before asking the question, here is a brief description of what I have done and doing.
Below query is working fine which returns the results as I need them:-
index="test" | rex "\"(?[^\"]+)\"\s+(?\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}\s\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2})\s(?[^\s]+)\s(?[^\s]+)\s(?\d+)\s(?[^\s]+)\s(?[^\s]+)\s(?[^\s]+)\s(?.+)" | stats values(EndpointURI),count as TotalHits count(eval(ResponseCode!=200)) as ErrorCount max(eval(ResponseTime*1000)) as MaxResponseTime min(eval(ResponseTime*1000)) as MinResponseTime avg(eval(ResponseTime*1000)) as AvgRT by EndpointURI ConsumerIP | eval AvgRT=round(AvgRT,2) | rename AvgRT as AvgResponseTime | lookup ConsumerIPLookup ConsumerIP OUTPUT ConsumerName | lookup EndpointURILookup EndpointURI OUTPUT Provider,ServiceName,Version | streamstats count as "S.No" | fields S.No,Provider,ServiceName,Version,ConsumerName,TotalHits,ErrorCount,MaxResponseTime(ms),MinResponseTime(ms),AvgResponseTime(ms)
Result of the above query:-
1 Provider1 Service1 1.0 Consumer1 3 1 572 220 396.67
2 Provider1 Service1 1.0 Consumer2 3 1 50 25 300.00
3 Provider1 Service1 1.0 Consumer2 7 4 100 50 200.00
4 Provider1 Service1 1.0 Consumer3 14 12 214 106 602.64
EndpointURILookup.csv contents:-
ConsumerIPLookup.csv Contents:-
What i need to know how can I modify/update the result of my query so that it returns the sum of Totalhits for those ConsumerNames who have multiple ConsumerIPs. For example, in ConsumerIPLookup.csv, Consumer 2 has multiple IP and Consumer Name is "Consumer2", I need to sum so that one record should come calculating TotalHits,ErrorCount,MaxResponseTime,,MinReponseTime,AvgResponseTime.
The result should be like below:-
1 Provider1 Service1 1.0 Consumer1 3 1 572 220 396.67
2 Provider1 Service1 1.0 Consumer2 10 5 75 36 250.00
4 Provider1 Service1 1.0 Consumer3 14 12 214 106 602.64
How can i achieve this without losing any other stats? Is there any method to save csv lookup contents in a variable and use that variable to put condition and calculate the stats from my actual log?
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