Hi all !
I'm building a view in advanced XML, with a TimeRangePicker, associated with 2 searches.
The first search (panel_row1_col1) is showing Table, and all is fine.
The second search (panel_row1_col2) is building a "double-bargraph", showing the "Today" graph, and the same graph for 7 days earlier. That is to say that, if it's Monday the 7th, you'll get also the graph for Monday 1st on the same graph.
This view is really usefull and easy-to-read :
My problem is that I can't do the following operation : now-7d , for the drawing on the right.
Is there any way to rewrite the "now" value, or to get a value that allows a substract ?
Final request for drawing the double-bar-graph is :
earliest=@d latest=now action="reject" CF="xxxxx" | multikv | eval ReportKey="today" | append maxtime=120 [ search earliest=@d-604800 latest=now-518400 action="reject" CF="xxxxx" | multikv | eval ReportKey="last week" | eval new_time=time+86400*7 ] | eval _time=if(isnotnull(new_time), new_time, _time) | timechart span=1h count by ReportKey
I get the following : __Invalid value "now-518400" for time term 'latest'_
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