I am learning splunk. I have written a transforms to mask the email ID's however, the splunk is masking the entire event instead of matched pattern. what i am trying to achieve is to mask the email ID's in the events. For example, if there are two email ID's, splunk has to mask the 2 email ID's and if there is one email ID, splunk has to mask only one email ID. Any help would be appreciated.
Sample Events:
(14.2) 04-01-18 00:03:38 (1944:3676) PRINTFN: $G_NOTIFY_GRP_INTERNAL: peter.parker@abc.com,thomas.holland03@abc.com
(14.2) 04-01-18 04:14:38 (5796:5968) PRINTFN: $G_NOTIFY_GRP_INTERNAL: henry.pete@abc.com,grant.subarao@abc.com
(14.2) 04-01-18 00:03:38 (1944:3676) PRINTFN: $G_NOTIFY_GRP_INTERNAL: hr.apache@abc.com
REGEX = [A-z0-9._%+-]+(?=@[^,\s]*)
FORMAT = $1 ******@$3
DEST_KEY = _raw
Expected output:
(14.2) 04-01-18 00:03:38 (1944:3676) PRINTFN: $G_NOTIFY_GRP_INTERNAL: XXXXXXXXXXX,XXXXXXXXX
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