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- Posted Re: Bug in Splunk App for AWS: User unable to configure a CloudTrail input on All Apps and Add-ons. 06-27-2016 08:03 PM
- Posted Re: Bug in Splunk App for AWS: User unable to configure a CloudTrail input on All Apps and Add-ons. 06-27-2016 05:48 PM
- Posted Bug in Splunk App for AWS: User unable to configure a CloudTrail input on All Apps and Add-ons. 06-27-2016 05:22 PM
- Tagged Bug in Splunk App for AWS: User unable to configure a CloudTrail input on All Apps and Add-ons. 06-27-2016 05:22 PM
- Tagged Bug in Splunk App for AWS: User unable to configure a CloudTrail input on All Apps and Add-ons. 06-27-2016 05:22 PM
- Tagged Bug in Splunk App for AWS: User unable to configure a CloudTrail input on All Apps and Add-ons. 06-27-2016 05:22 PM
- Tagged Bug in Splunk App for AWS: User unable to configure a CloudTrail input on All Apps and Add-ons. 06-27-2016 05:22 PM
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08:03 PM
That's a better code snippet! Hope nobody else ran into this, took me forever to debug!
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05:48 PM
I haven't filed a ticket as I'm on a Developer License and do not have a support account. I figured this was the best place to post it given the circumstances.
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05:22 PM
Hi Splunk Answers, this isn't a question per se, however, I think it will help people who might find this via Google.
I found a bug in the Splunk App for AWS that results in a user being unable to configure a CloudTrail input to ingest data from AWS CloudTrail. Even if a user has successfully set up their chain of AWS services (CloudTrail > S3 > SNS > SQS), the config form does not auto-populate the names of the existing Simple Queues that fit the app's criteria. I found this to be due to a bug in the code governing which queues populate this drop-down.
The file in question is $AWS_APP_ROOT/bin/aws/ in the function get_sqs_of_topics() on line 128.
The relevant excerpt of the get_sqs_topics function from the app's original code is as follows:
# match queues
sqs = set()
for subscription in subscriptions:
if subscription['Protocol'] == 'sqs':
topic_name = extract_name_from_arn(subscription['TopicArn'])
if topic_name in topics:
sqs.add((extract_name_from_arn(subscription['Endpoint']), subscription['Endpoint']))
return sqs
The fix is below:
# match queues
sqs = set()
for subscription in subscriptions:
if subscription['Protocol'] == 'sqs':
topic_name = subscription['TopicArn']
if topic_name in topics:
sqs.add((extract_name_from_arn(subscription['Endpoint']), subscription['Endpoint']))
return sqs
In a nutshell, the original code is extracting a portion of an ARN and then attempting to use the excerpt to do an exact string match to a full-ARN which doesn't work. To fix this, I modified it to simply not extract the "name" from the ARN and to simply use the full ARN to perform the string match.
Hope this helps someone, and I hope that the Splunk Product guys see this and implement a fix!
Conner Swann
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