Based on your suggestions i added wmi.conf file and executed below query:
index=windows host=host* sourcetype="WMI:process" Name!=_Total Name!=Idle
| reverse | streamstats current=f last(PercentProcessorTime) as last_PercentProcessorTime last(Timestamp_Sys100NS) as last_Timestamp_Sys100NS by Name
| eval cputime = 100 * (PercentProcessorTime - last_PercentProcessorTime) / (Timestamp_Sys100NS - last_Timestamp_Sys100NS)
| search cputime > 0
| stats avg(cputime) as cputime by _time,host,Name
| rex field=Name "(?[^#]*)#{0,}"
| stats sum(cputime) as cputime by _time,host,Command
| timechart limit=50 useother=f avg(cputime) as cputime by Command
This query returns an error: "Error in 'rex' command: Encountered the following error while compiling the regex '(?[^#]*)#{0,}': Regex: unrecognized character after (? or (?- "
I am not sure where in regex it is failing. Can you help please?
At the same time if i execute the following query, it works without any problem:
index=windows hosts=host* sourcetype="WMI:process" Name!=_Total Name!=Idle
| reverse | streamstats current=f last(PercentProcessorTime) as last_PercentProcessorTime last(Timestamp_Sys100NS) as last_Timestamp_Sys100NS by Name
| eval cputime = 100 * (PercentProcessorTime - last_PercentProcessorTime) / (Timestamp_Sys100NS - last_Timestamp_Sys100NS)
| search cputime > 0
| timechart limit=50 useother=f avg(cputime) by Name
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