I have a query which displays percentage of space used by couple of mounts for each of the hosts. I want my column chart bars to display colors based on values.
For example, all the column chart bars with values less than 30 should be in green, between 31-70 should be in yellow and greater than 70 should be in red.
I have gone through other related Splunk answers, but they are discussing on using custom chart colors based on Axis fields (Eg: charting.seriesColors / charting.fieldColors / eval conditions in SPL / etc). I'm expecting an answer which actually suggests displaying same color for all the bars with same values, irrespective of fields.
Here is my Query:
(host=wjb4stl260 OR host=wjb4stl261 OR host=wjb4stl262 OR host=wjb4stl263 OR host=wjb4stl365 OR host=wjb4stl366 OR host=wjb4stl367 OR host=wjb4stl368 OR host=CJB4STL365 OR host=CJB4STL366 OR host=WJB4STL62 OR host=WJB4STL67 OR host=WJB4STL68 OR host=WJB4STL69 OR host=WJB4STL72 OR host=WJB4STL73 OR host=CJB4STL60 OR host=CJB4STL61) (MountedOn="/tmp" OR MountedOn="/apps_01") | dedup host, MountedOn | chart max(UsePct) by host, MountedOn
Please advice.
Thank you!
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