I am quite new to ES, although i have an good understanding of data models and other Splunk commands, i am unable to understand the below correlation search in ES.
| datamodel "Authentication" "Failed_Authentication" search | stats values(Authentication.tag) as "tag",dc(Authentication.user) as "user_count",dc(Authentication.dest) as "dest_count",count by "Authentication.app","Authentication.src" | rename "Authentication.app" as "app","Authentication.src" as "src" | where 'count'>=6
My queries are:
1. datamodel "Authentication" "Failed_Authentication" search - is it searching 2 DMs and what does the search at the end signify. going by the syntax it is not a subsearch that usually starts with "["
2. what does values(Authentication.tag) mean, if Authentication.tag is a field, where can i see the exact field extraction of this field
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