I have an .exe client that I can use in order to send SMS with my SMS server.
I've made a simple batch file - test.bat
on the batch file I've wrote 2 lines -
snsClient.exe -zSMSSERVER:1234
-rPHONENUMBER -sALERT -iSYSLOG -sTest Test msg.exe Administrator Hi1
when I run the batch file - it works , I'm seeing a message on the screen and I'm getting an SMS.
I've got the file under C:\Program Files\Splunk\bin\scripts\
I've also go the snsclient.exe & DLLs to the same folder.
I've ran the batch file - and it works.
Over Splunk - under the "run script" I wrote - test.bat
when the alert is triggering I'm getting an email & I'm getting the message on the screen - which means the msg.exe is working - which means that it does run the .bat file !
yet - the bat file for some reason doesn't run the .exe file when the splunk is running the .bat file.
when I'm running the bat file - it does work.
please help !
there is only 1 user over the Windows 2008 R2 Server which is Administrator , the splunk service is running under this service.
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