I have an index with certain field values. I want to be notified when specific field value changes, I am aware of using stream stats change_on_reset=true by that field name. But the challenge here is I am not sure when that field has received last value. Suppose I have field X with 1,2,3 at Y time on Z day. Again, That field X got 4,5 values at P time on Q day. Here, I will not be aware of the day(Z) and time(Y) values to look back certain time range for that field values. To summarize, If am aware of time range to select like "last 7 days" or "last 24 hours", then I can see if that field value changed or not through stream stats. But here there is no definite time period flow of events in the index. Hence We are not sure when and what is the last event stored in that particular field. Can someone help me on this requirement?
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