I'm having a bit of trouble finishing up a report
I'm trying to give a report of how long users were logged into a system over the course of a day. Sometimes a user logs in multiple times. I want to have a stacked chart showing each time a user logged in added together.
I have:
source="*usermonitor*.log" "usermanager reports user * logged" | rex "usermanager reports user (?P<USER>[^\.]*) logged " |search USER="*" | transaction USER startswith="logged in, reply " endswith="logged out, reply " | eval Hours=round(duration/3600,2) |chart values(Hours) by USER
The results show exactly what I want. A list like:
User1 2.5
User2 3.1
User3 2.8
User4 7.4
Now when I "Show Report", I only see values on the chart for Users with only 1 entry and I can't make it a "Stacked" chart to total them all.
Of course, doing a " |chart sum(Hours) by USER " gives me the correct totals for all of the users, but I lose the individual values.
Any Suggestions?
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